Celebrating my first real case of bloggers block. Usually a bottle of wine could cure it, but I have a very long drive ahead of me tonight, so I have sworn off wine for an entire week. I started so many times this week to write a post but everything I wanted to say needed a lot of time to develop, and time is one thing I have been without.
I am working on a project for a friend of a friend. Last year when friend's husband died, I took some photos, scanned them and made a slide show in Windows Movie Maker for the funeral. (Don't we all?) It was a little show, maybe five minutes long in a loop. Friend of friend asked if I could do the same for her husband who had passed away earlier. Off-handedly I said sure.
Here's what she gave me: 200 photos that needed to be hand scanned. Text to accompany each photo. The text needs to run an appropriate amount of time to be readable, and finding a color for the text to show up on a varied background is probably the most time consuming of the chores. Plus, the text renders in the completed movie completely differently than it does in the edit window. It's like designing with a blindfold on. This little muvee is 52 minutes long. Thus far I have spent about 80 hours, and still am not done. Tomatos have gone uncanned and apples are rotting in a bushel as we speak because I have been working on this. And my kids! I don't even want to talk about the temper tantrums. Sadly, mine, not theirs. She said she would pay me, but if she actually paid me for my time, this movie would cost her several thousand dollars. So I am in a circle of hell. We'll see how it works out.
I'm going to leave Maison de Wundrun quiescent for the next week. The situation in our country has really been working up a case of the mean reds for me. The fight or flight meter has moved way over to flight lately, as I think we have passed a turning point. The greater the Hillary love the MSM shows the deeper my funk. Time to renew my subscription to Ode, the optimists magazine, I think. Cause I am the editor of Pissoff, the pessimists magazine right now.
Miss me. Write often. Leave pithy comments! I'll answer every one when I return, except of course if the little troll shows up. (Bait: I have seen the Gotbaum videos. They don't show anything you describe. Odd, huh? No tearing of clothes, no throwing of cell phone. Just apparently yelling. Which we can't hear.) I'll see you all next week.
Much love,