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The Equalizer #1

The Equalizer #1: No title. Robert McCall resigns from the Company, and hopes to re-establish his life with his ex-wife Janice, and son Scott. But things on the home front don’t look promising. As he’s meeting with his ex-wife Control sends an assassin to pick him off. And Scott is deeply into music and wonders why his dad is now trying to be a father figure for the first time in his life. As The Equalizer, McCall has two clients in the first part of the book. Bill Hamilton works for the telephone company, but accidentally discovered a code number that leads to the Pentagon, and is fired. Now someone is trying to kill him. McCall asks a favor of one of his old friends, identify the code. It appears some top people in the telephone company are blackmailing important people, and will kill to protect their interests. McCall’s other client is a young mother being stalked by a man who plans on raping her. The Equalizer frightens the stalker away, but it only pushes him over the edge, and now he not only plans on raping Colleen Randall, but kill her also.

         The second half of the book has McCall and Scott going away for two days in a cabin in the Maine woods. But Scott rescues a young girl named Melinda from three men. She has been raped and her friend Jake killed. He brings her to the cabin, but is followed and the men lay siege on the cabin, cutting the phone lines and ruining the tires on McCall’s Jaguar. McCall doesn’t have weapons, but he’s trained on making explosives from scratch, as well as traps, something the killers are about to learn, and Scott finally discovers more about his father. This first novel was a fast read and fun, and taken from the TV episodes.

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