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I had a lovely day yesterday. Lunch with J is always good fun and we both felt relaxed about the distancing arrangements in the pub. I'm glad I went but at the same time it isn't something I plan to do too often while the risk of infection remains  - going out for a meal I mean, I will see J but we'll most likely go for a walk and either take our own refreshments or purchase take out coffees.

I now have the clothes sorted for Baby R so have to find out when I can visit. I'm not sure if they are even home from hospital yet so am not expecting it to be this week, although I may do a distanced doorstep delivery of the parcel and return for cuddles at a later date.

Today will be spent at home. I'm expecting a parcel this morning so need to wait in for that, and Danielle should be here this afternoon so this should be the day all the plants are dealt with. Fingers are definitely crossed that she's here as promised and, if all goes according to plan, there'll be a garden update post tomorrow.

Today is also the day I resume exercising. I've rested up my knee and now need to get back in the habit of walking regularly. It'll have to be walking around indoors today but steps are steps wherever I do them so I have no excuses to delay restarting!

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