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It's Monday (what are you reading?)

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week.  It's a great post to organize yourself. It's an opportunity to visit and comment, and er... add to that ever growing TBR pile!

I didn't get as much reading done last week as I thought I would.
(it's because .....
church meeting on Wednesday night
dinner with Friends on Thursday night
dinner with other friends on Friday night
coffee with old friend at 8am on Saturday
book club at 9am on Saturday
church women's group brunch at 10;30 on Saturday
60th birthday party for a friend at 5:30pm on Saturday
Church at 10am on Sunday
Miss America Viewing party Sunday evening...
Oh, and I cooked 7 dishes/recipes from my Friday Friend Cookbook this weekend for the countdown,  all in addition to my job)

So... as I said, I didn't get as much reading done (or housework) as I would have liked to. 
Here's what happened last week

It was fun read--a quick read even tho it was at 372 pages.
It covered some major subjects, but in a not very complex way.
A solid 3.3 stars.

This was a book about grief. 
I liked it. 
I will let you know what my library book club thinks after tomorrow night.  I have a feeling it won't be their favorite. 
  I guess I like Cheryl Strayed.
We have read her previous book "Wild" in this book club and I remember my friend Gini being appalled that you would begin a hike of that kind without proper training! She says you just don't start walking for heavens sake.
Anyway, I'm sure they'll have strong opinions on this one also.  Grief is very personal, and to be honest, I feel this was a novel in name only.  I think Strayed wrote about her grief experience  in novel form.
I you read it I'd love to hear what you thought in the comments.
I listened to the audio version and the author read it--I like the cadence of her voice. 

This is what I have planned for this upcoming week!

I'm halfway thru this one!

Still in the mood for some Harry---just haven't gotten to it.

For a book club!

What are you reading?

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