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Keeping Busy...

Over the last couple weeks I have just been plugging away at some current projects. The number one thing I am working on right now is the mega Eldar revamp to update them to 6th ed. I added a new unit of Dark Reapers to replace the 3rd ed ones I have. This way I get much nicer figs and an Exarch that is armed with a Tempest Launcher, which is huge. I also updated my Vypers to have 2 Shuriken Cannons each as they greatly benefit from the new 6th ed Fast Skimmer Rules. After that its mostly re-basing and adding one or two new models. Here is a quick pick of the conversions for the under-slung Shuriken Cannons and the new flying bases:

For the second project my friend Matt and I also picked up the Warmachine 2 Player Starter set just to try something new. So, in between projects I have been plugging away at the starter figs. The first thing I noticed when I started putting these together and painting them is that they are NOT Games Workshop miniatures. They have a fraction of the detail and leave much lacking in the form department. With that being said the more I work on them (also have some Trolls which are significantly nicer then any of the Warmachine figs) the more they grow on me. I have really started liking the super goofy cartoony look. Really nice change of pace from 40k both in rules and miniatures. I am going to treat this game like one would for Necromunda or Blood Bowl. Just a small faction of 20 models painted to a super high level (for the Trolls). For this starter set though I am just doing very basic painting. For this guy its just one level of high lighting. Super basic.

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