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Peace Day 2010 September 21

The UN international Peace day is on September 21. Yes, just one day, just 24 hours in 192 UN members states. A tiny break to focus on peace and life saving activities!It is a day a ceasefire and non-violence. We are all supposed to commit to take action toward peace. I will commit on finding some inner peace and take a pacifist approach all day. I will also remember my grandfather who died many moons ago in a civil war. And I will share some food with someone in need because it is obviously impossible to be non-violent when you are starving!! It is in few days. If we can follow a "just do it" to score in some games we should be able to "just do some" for peace. Mahatma Gandhi said that “Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it”. A tiny break is nothing but important!!!

The Tookie Protocol for Peace A Local Street Peace Initiative by Stanley Tookie Williams
"There is no quick-fix remedy for the gang epidemic.
Here on death row I have discussed a street gang truce with individuals from different age groups, geographical locales, gangs, and mentalities. I discovered that my ideological and philosophical outlook on peace was in step with perspectives of the newer and the older generation. I also realized it is illogical to create a peace not based on an individual and collective improvement of the lives of community members. Failure to establish a truce that includes a social agenda will cause any negotiation for peace to relapse into war. I am convinced that peace is possible, despite the many lives that have been lost from years of youth gang warfare. This document is designed to assist those whose aspirations are to create a cease-fire, end gang violence and restore social order. Pessimistic individuals may quote the English translation of the Latin phrase, si vis pacem, para bellum – if you desire peace, prepare for war. But I strongly disagree.    Real peace will conquer war."

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