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Six More Weeks Till Spring!!

February 5, 2010

Only 43 more days till Spring!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Here I am getting excited about it, and the Mrs. reminded me that last year was a very wet Spring. Well, that may be true, but at least it was warmer than Winter. This morning is quite sunny, but cold. Only about 18 degrees (Fahrenheit). Br-r-r.

The Mrs. also told me that yesterday, there was a herd of about fourteen deer grazing on the land next door. Are you kidding? Where are they when I am here with my camera? I've been keeping my eyes peeled this morning, but so far no deer!

This will have to be a short post, because the Mrs. will soon be waking and wanting her breakfast. Meanwhile, I have my trusty camera sitting on the kitchen counter near the window so that I won't miss any good photos. See? I am optimistic!! At the moment, there are sparrows, juncos, finches, cardinals and a blue jay taking turns at the feeder. And let me not forget the little squirrel that is out there picking up all the seeds that get dropped on the ground.

It's almost time for me to start preparing breakfast here, so let me leave you with a layout that I made to celebrate that Spring will soon be here. Till tomorrow, Y'all have a wonderful day.

Hugs, Edna B.

"Song For Spring"

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