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Sweet sunshine

Yesterday was the nicest weather it's been since I got here. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, I had no umbrella with me. I walked around, got one of my favorite breads from Bread and Roses (rye loaf studded with raisins and currants) and some Bordier butter from La Grande Epicerie. It's supposed to be the best butter ever. I think I need to put it on some plain bread, not the rye bread, to really taste it. But it tastes like creamy sweet sunshine. And looks like it as well. It has that nice freshly churned yellow butter color. I also found my 0% cherry yogurt but LGE is all the way across town and €2.34 for a pack of four! I get a pack of 8 mixed flavors for that much! 

And then I was off to brunch to meet up with my new-found Texas friend. And then I realized she's never had macarons (seriously? I was appalled!). So I made it my mission to have her try some. There is no way you can live in Paris and not eat macarons. I barely know anyone who doesn't like them (although some find them too sweet, I think there's a flavor for everyone). First stop was Pierre Herme, where I was foiled yet again and failed to get an Istaphan macaron. One day I will find it. So instead I got passionfruit chocolate and apricot pistachio. Then Gerard Mulot for the passionfruit basil one there. I'm glad to say she's now an official macaron lover. 

Between brunch and macaron store hopping, I stopped by Poilane to finally pick up one of their rustic apple tarts. I took it home. It didn't last long.

I kept stealing bites in the kitchen over the course of 15 minutes. Then I couldn't take it anymore. And shoved the rest in my mouth. And chewed. Happily. Very happily. 

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