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TANKS By Galeforce 9: Optimizing The Gameplay

When we played the last time a game of "TANKS", we had 20+ tanks on the table. All these tanks needed a card for themselves and some of them had equipment cards too. And these cards needed a lot of space that we had to use an ironing board and a makeshift table to lay them out. Several times one of us hit the table/ironing and mixed up the cards.

Now we found a way to optimize the gameplay a little more. On the first picture you see a standard 9 pocket page for trading or gamecards. I cut one row of it and changed it into a little organizer for the tanks. On the second page you see an equipped Persing tank with lots of spaces for crews, equipment, damage and other cards, placed in the 6 pocket page that is unfortunately hard too see.
I think it is a great idea, there won't be chaos anymore, all tanks and their equipment are protected against dirt and "falling damage" and it will not take too much space for the cards.

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