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Camera Woes

Yesterday the USB cable shorted out.  It was fried!  Now I have to locate another
one for my camera.  I have a spare, but it does not work in my Fuji Finepix.
It seems like it's always something doesn't it?  

So here are some old pics.  You probably remember this tablescape, but since these
pics are already loaded up they will have to do.  Just think of this post as a 
re-run summer post until the new posts start for the fall season.

Just kidding ~ I plan to get a new USB cable in the next day or two.  We used
to have a camera shop downtown, but all of them have moved out to the mall
area and I really don't like the mall.  I love little independent shops where the service is great and the shop keepers know you by name.  Earlier today I was over at one
of my favorite little antique shops and the owner gave me some garden snips
and told me to snip a big bouquet of zinnias to take home with me.  She even gave
me a big canning jar to put them in.  No one does that for me at the mall.  On
another day I was in another friend's shop and she gave me her current issue of
Town and Country because there was a big article about horses and horsewomen
and she had already read it.  And when I go to my local co-op I don't even
have to give the clerks my member number because they all have it memorized.
Shopping in small shops is like living in a small Mayberry type town where 
the owners treat you like a neighbor and a friend.  So, until I get up the energy
to fight the traffic and crowds at the mall, I will be showing you re-runs.
Of course if I get tired of showing you pics you have already seen, I'll get 
over there faster!

Bentley does not like the mall either because once when I tried to 
carry him in with me, the security guard told me Bentley had to 
leave.  At little local shops, the owners have water bowls and treats
for furry friends.  So Bentley believes in buying local and
 supporting independent shops!!

Susan and Bentley

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