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A Minden Bosniak Update. . .

Here's where we stand at the moment. . .  Still quite a way to go with the ol' paintbrush though.

Plugging away bit by bit at the painting table.  Anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours a day as time permits.  The basic horse coats and uniform colors are done.  Still a few manes and tales to do on some of the chestnuts, but that will be quick, and the it's on to the basic saddle cloths plus the fleshtone for the riders and highlights on the reds and blacks.  If that goes quickly, who knows?

After much dithering about how I was going to paint these figures, in the end, I decided to paint them up as a squadron of, well, Bosniaks in their striking red and black uniforms. . .  Although I had toyed with the idea of blue and white based on Von Natzmer Uhlans of the WAS era.  Next time.

Anyway, the three illustrations below have been my point of reference so far for my version -- 'rendition'? -- of Frederick's Bosniak Corps attached to his hussars.  A striking uniform I think you'll agree.

In other tabletop news, I am thinking ahead to  the next game in my fictitious campaign (started last summer) for Christmas Week.  I'm vacillating between a refight of Hook's Farm, or Guilford Courthouse, a battle from the Southern campaign of the American War of Independence that has always fascinated me due the presence of German mercenaries AND some cavalry on both sides.  More on this as we get a bit closer to the Christmas Festival itself.

-- Stokes

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