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Chasseur progress #2

Here are the last 4 Chasseurs of the 8th and 9th Chasseurs ready for the Wagram project; 2 more troopers, the NCO and the elite company figures. A couple of details, like the hooves, still need attending to but all are more or less now ready for basing and varnishing. (I finally took some decent pictures using the extreme close up and moving the lamp from directly overhead!)

I'm going to experiment with a new, homemade version of Army Painter, namely some clear estapol with a couple of drops of special varnish darkening ink which will allow me to contol how dark I want the shading to be. I'll make a couple of batches to see which results in the preferred shade. I'll practice on some old, unwanted figures first before I try it on these beauties.

Elite company

Trooper on dun horse

Trooper on a chestnut horse

NCO on a bay

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