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Half number two

Here we continue the Dollarama baseball card pack which was started yesterday. I figured that today would be better, but honestly, not a whole lot. 80 cards, and not a single Blue Jay card....I am shocked as that is the first time I have had that happen.

As for the inserts/parallels and the like...

Again, more of the same, but twice as many! The glossy are quite nice in hand - wouldn't be too bad having the entire set of these.

Still plenty of keepers from this half as well.

Can't complain about getting a couple Bonilla cards that some how I didn't already have. I am sure I had the 1991 Topps All Star card at one time, actually I had a lot of the set at one point, but traded them away (or gave them away) before getting out of collecting for a time in the mid 90s.

A good sprinklinkling through the 90s and from some decent sets like Select and Donruss.

That Blanks card is absolutely gorgeous. A shot that deserves Stadium Club treatment. If every card in a set could be done that well....it would be pretty close to perfect!

As for traders...

Nice to see a bunch of 1988 Donruss, but unfortunate I didn't need any of them.

Hey, a duplicate from the last decade!

Well, as much as no Jays highlights and minimal for other highlights, at least the keep rate was over 50%!

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