In the original Kenka Banchou game from 2005, a pompadour-wearing hero named Yasuo battled rival hoodlums for renown and established a bad-ass repute at the expense of society at large. Despite Yasuo's thuggish leanings, he wasn't above helping grannies and other citizens with mundane tasks and errands. Yasuo exhibited a deep and resonant duality in that way. Spike went on to sell 157,000 copies of the game without much of an advertising budget or any name recognition. Fast forward two years and Yasuo's still around but no longer the hero. A young buck named Tomoya has entered the world and must earn his own badge of yankii honor. By using the mighty menchi beam to initiate encounters and fists to beat down packs of ruffians, the new protagonist slowly gains street cred, repute, and the adoration of lowly gangsters throughout the hood. Even though Yasuo sort of looked like Fonzie, he never had a motorcycle in the original game. Tomoya gets one immediately during the introductory training session of the game where certain actions are completed. When the game proper starts, Tomoya may pedal around on a bicycle but he'll eventually graduate to the throaty rumbles of his own motorcycle and raise hell by tearing through the streets. «more»