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A Package From A Long Time Trade Partner

I recently received a package from long time trade partner Heartbreaking Cards.  Matt was the 2nd blogger I ever traded with a few years ago.  

I'm writing this post 4 days before you are reading it.  That means that Pedroia just went yard and the Sox finally won their first game.  Oh, and Manny is retired to...  This is my first 2011 Heritage card.  I wish I could finish the team set but I know better.  I haven't finished off a Heritage team set yet.  I'm close on a few years (one card short of 07, the team card) but those SPs elude me.  I'm sure 2011 will be the same way.


This is some kind of Bowman Blue Refractor.  I didn't even know that Bowman had different colored refractors until I got this one in the mail. It is actually really good looking.

 I don't understand why nobody wants this Bobby Doerr card. 

This is my 3rd copy of the black bordered Doerr.  I own like 7 black bordered Red Sox cards and 3 of them are the same thing.  That means 3 people sent him to me in trades cause.  Doesn't anyone like Doerr??  So I think I just may have to send this to Mr Doerr.  I hear he is a great TTM guy and I haven't done a TTM since I was a kid.  Actually I have only sent out 3 TTMs ever.  Two were returned signed and one was returned unsigned.  I'm sure nobody will ever guess who they were.  The 3 I sent out were Christian Okoye, Bruce Smith, and Reggie White.  Of the 3 Okoye was the only one that didn't sign my card but he did return it.  It was long ago; 1988 to be exact.  Now when I send this to Doerr should I have him sign it in black or silver Sharpie??

Thanks for the cards Matt and for being the instigator to me sending a TTM to a hall of famer.

Don't Forget the 1987 O-Pee-Chee Group Break.  There are still teams left.  If you don't know what I am talking about click here.

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