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A Pilgrimage Special: Twilight at Bodhgaya

During Buddha's time,Bodhgaya was called Uruvela. It is here that the famous Mahabodhi Temple stands. King Asoka was said to be the first to build a temple here and henceforth, it became a place of focus for Buddhist pilgrims for more than 1500 years until the 13th century when the Buddhist viharas and shrines were devastated by Muslims. When a Tibetan pilgrim, Dharmasvamin visited Bodhgaya in 1234 AD, only four monks were left in the vihara and one said that all have fled in fear of the Turushka soldiery. As Buddhism further declined in India, the Burmese came in to rescue the decaying Mahabodhi Temple. That was during the 14th and 15th centuries. The Mahabodhi Temple was again forgotten thereafter and a wandering Hindu ascetic, Mahant Gosain Giri, later took control of the temple and since 1590 AD, the temple was under Hindu control. In 1861, Cunningham found the Mahant and the followers indulging in non-Buddhist ceremonies there and Sir Edwin, author of The Light of Asia, observed that Shrada, a Hindu last rite where mantras and verses are chanted on behalf of the dead to free the soul, was performed there and precious ancient relics of carved stone inscribed with Sanskrit were left around the area unattended. Just after the surprise Birthday Bash at our hotel, we made off for this temple. It must be about ten and the temple was closing...

Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya...

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