I've had this great little Mark Copplestone sculpt that was released by Grenadier Miniatures in times of yore (and is now carried by Battlezone Miniatures among others) for about a year now, having added him to an order on a whim. His time had come!
I'm only showing the bare-metal version because I carefully put together a dark palette of blacks, greys and browns as a suitable ensemble for a thief and I had a hell of a time photographing it. This is the best I could manage with my phone, with a bit if brightness tweaking from photoshop which makes his face look pretty leprous.
Adelmo Ladro, cutpurse and opportunist |
Perhaps this image is better? No manipulation on this one.
For under two hours while watching telly, I'm pretty pleased. I had a go at tying together the colours by adding dark grey to the browns, and brown to the black when shading and (in the lead, by my eyes) it works pretty well. I shall have to go back to using the proper camera, though, and maybe even get one of those foldio things or equivalent to use as a light box.
Any suggestions?