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My World... Disrupted

I scheduled a post for tomorrow, not really intending to have anything up today. But I thought I would say a few words about my phone... who died this week. It was two years old.

I wasn't the best owner. I know that. I dropped you many times, I refused to let you wear protective gear that could have saved you from injury. You never complained. You never quit. I dropped you onto asphalt, concrete, hardwood, grass... I once dropped you from an upstairs floor onto the the yard below. 
But  you carried on.
Sure, you were slowing down. I could see it in the way that I had to tap the screen more than once to get you to respond. Your power button quit working. Then your front camera failed. 
Months later, I dropped you again. Only about two feet onto a bamboo floor. And you shattered. large cracks spiderwebbed their way across the back... and snaked around the front.
But  you worked. Damn you, you worked. 
Until, without warning, with my firm belief that you would go on forever, you gave up your ghost. 
I'll miss you.

There. I feel better. Can't wait to get my new phone... the next day or two is going to be really rough without one.

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