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PREVIEW --- Justice League Official Trailer #2 (2017)

Here's the thing that I know most people are drooling about this trailer that I have a problem with that I had VERY same problem with during Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice... ALL OF THE FUCKING ACTION IS CLEARLY CGI!

Did they shoot everything in front of the green screen? Guardians of the Galaxy didn't even look this fucking fake. I saw Power Rangers a few weeks ago and I knew that was going to look like full CGI too but geez they didn't even try to make this look real here. Cyborg's face is just floating around computer-animations while everything else the rest of the League does here looks like a cutscene straight out of Injustice. Yes it looks fucking cool but damn, make an animated movie if you're just going to make everything look computer-generated anyway.

God, I'm glad I didn't fall into the hype train for all of those posters and teasers for this trailer all week. I knew this trailer was going to be a letdown.

Even I'll admit that this looks better than that first trailer they put out of this a few months ago, but I'm still skeptical. Remember BvS and Suicide Squad had great trailers and those flopped. I'm not getting my hopes up here.

If it ends up being great (not good/passable, I'm talking about amazing from start to finish) then I'll be more than happy to say that I was wrong.

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