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Thrush Nightingale & a Great Night for Barca!

In case you are wondering what a Thrush Nightingale looks like? well I didn't get a photo.
Thrush Nightingale in my garden
I was standing talking to Asst Warden Will about what he had seen on census (not much just common migrants) until Henry playing around the Wali Burn flushed. A bird into my garden. Will said what's that! it flew with a flash of reddish brown and a fanned tail into the old Christmas trees. I guessed, Great Reed Warbler? I think it's a Thrush Nightingale? says Will, it took a while to confirm as the bird was quite flighty or dove deep into cover. Will was right of course as he got his scope on the bird and confirmed the ID from some distance.

I think the best views for others came as the bird went back deep into the Honeysuckle and I was trying to relocate the bird. I took these photo walking back to the rest of the group. Everyone wished they had better views and I never even got a record shot. This is the 3rd Thrush Nightingale I've seen in my garden in the 5 years I have lived here.

not visible but somewhere in there.
The Days other Big Event!


The most remote FC Barcelona Fan celebrates
The win over Manchester United in the Champions League Final.
( for my American friends... Europe's Super Bowl)


That's a happy boy!
other photos from the past few days...
one Canada Goose looks so lonely but reminds me of Upstate New York

I have a hard time sorting out the Whimbrel from the Curlew.
So how am I supposed to know a Slender-Billed Curlew?
just in from Orkney?

 Whimbrel... but what do you think? I thought it was worth giving the tail stripes and bill a second look?
because hey, you never know...

Are you ready to play what bird is it?

Birds on Sunday...
one Rosefinch

two Rosefinch

Eating like Sparrows, where is a breeding male when you need one?

Here's a hint it's been on Fair Isle for a month now?

Eastern Subalpine Warbler - Obs Garden
this is a tough one?

Linnet, the only new bird in today...  Cheers!

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