Near the end of 2015 Fallout Hobbies have started a new podcast. The aim is to "discuss new model releases from a hobby aspect, have hobby tips and tricks, tools and tutorials, interview talented hobby painters from international hobby circles." The first episode was an interview with Dave Taylor. The second features a conversation with me. My thanks to Ron Gamble and his co-host for the episode Thom Jason for inviting me to share my thoughts. You can find both episodes on Soundcloud by following this LINK.
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As a bonus, I present my attempt at a fully scratch-built piece. It was a collaboration with my brother
♫ Do you wanna build a snowmaaaan? An abominable snowmaaan... | ♫ |
That's all for now as I'm currently sorting out some commissions. But soon enough I'll be back to show you what came out when I finally took my knife and putty to an unsuspecting Stormcast Liberator.