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A Time To Vent

     When my greatly esteemed colleague Charles Hill of Dustbury has something he needs to say at length, he calls it a “Vent.” In truth, most of those pieces don’t really “vent” in the colloquial sense. That is, Charles doesn’t loosen his rhetorical belt and blast out his opinions in language more definite or colorful than usual. But we all use the language in our preferred ways, as I’ve been told all too often by persons who will not accept that “proven” is an adjective and not a verb.

     Well, Gentle Reader, I’ve decided to vent – in the colloquial sense. You might not like what’s coming. Indeed, if your notions of rhetorical propriety are at all like mine, you might not come back. But my aggravation meter has pinned and my need is great. Therefore, I’m going to protect the eyes of those who don’t want to see anything ungentle by imposing a blank barrier.

     This is your chance to get away before the action really starts.

















     Ah, that should be sufficient. Now, where was I? Oh yes...

     My earlier piece of today drew a very large amount of traffic – approximately 10 times what I usually get. Normally, that would be pleasant, an indication that readers other than my regulars were taking note of what I’d sad and finding it worthy. However, the email, and the comments I’ve had to moderate, tell a different story. A very unpleasant story.

     Rather than reproduce the offenses to me, I’ll simply summarize them for you:

  • I’m being a “stupid mutt” to think there’s a possibility of using the justice system to advantage;
  • I’m ignoring the “real problem:” the alliance between the Left and the State;
  • I’m preaching “let’s you and him fight” and am therefore a coward.

     I’m disinclined to argue with my detractors, especially as not one of them used his right name. (Draw your own conclusions.) People are entitled to their opinions, even if they’re idiotic and insulting. But frankly, I’ve had enough of that sort of treatment to last a lifetime. I take enough medication for my stratospheric blood pressure already; I don’t want to have to take more to avert a stroke.

     So here is my response to my detractors, one and all:

Go Fuck Yourselves.

     Not one of you dares to do what I have done: to blog in a libertarian-conservative / Christian direction for twenty years, under my full and correct name. My address and phone number are matters of public record. I’ve been attacked physically at my own home and have had to defend myself with a firearm. Not one of you can claim to have written eleven well reviewed pro-freedom novels, all of which are being read by thousands of persons in every English-speaking nation and a few that aren’t (e.g., Iran). Moreover, I’m so much more intelligent than the brightest of you that before you even think to call me “stupid” your tongue should snap off.

     I was able to identify the source of most of the insults and denigrations. I’ve asked the proprietor of that site, with whom I’ve had years of friendly relations, to delink me and refrain from citing my stuff henceforward. He hasn’t yet responded, but as he’s a gentleman, I expect that he’ll accede to my request. (UPDATE: He has done so.)

     However, my inclination to cease writing analysis and commentary that addresses sociopolitical matters is becoming stronger. It might have reached a decision point. So, to any Gentle Readers with an interest in the matter:

     Watch this space.

     (Comments on this piece are closed.)

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