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Ranger, Conqueror, King

Prime source is the Strategic Review, Vol 1, Number 2. Major modifications include eliminating the henchmen/treasure restriction to be in line with ACKS proper (I lack the experience to guess at a "value" in trade for eliminating the ability to hire henchmen - at the very least I'm leaving off the +1 morale most fighting classes get with henchmen in ACKS at 5th level), and dropping the "use of ESP/clairvoyance/clairaudience items". Some house rules were used, and are linked at the end.

The Ranger

Rangers are champions of civilization, striding the borders of civilization to keep watch on and fight against the encroaching chaos.

Rangers are highly trained warriors. At first level, Rangers hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+. Like fighters, they advance in attack throws and saving throws by two points every three levels of experience. As expert marksmen, Rangers increase their base damage roll from missile attacks by +1 at 1st level and by an additional +1 at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th level.

Rangers may wear chain mail or lighter armor, and may fight with an unrestricted array of weapons. All Rangers may fight wielding a weapon two-handed or a weapon in each hand, as desired. They may use any magic item usable by fighters.

Rangers are inured to the trials of the trackless wilderness, and the dangers lurking within. At 1st level, they have developed a toughness against the rigors of the wild, and gain an extra Hit Die (1d6 + Con Modifier hit points) at first level. They may track game and foes alike through the wilderness and into the underworld. Their knowledge and attunement to nature make them hard to surprise in the wilderness, lending them a +1 to surprise rolls.

Rangers strive most against the races of goblin-kind, forever threatening and encroaching on the lands of his allies. He receives +1 on attack throws against kobolds, goblins, orcs, gnolls, hobgoblins, bugbears, ogres, trolls, and giants. At level 7, this bonus increases to +2, and at level 13 it increases to +3.

At 7th level, time spent in the wilderness among the shamans and druids of barbarian tribes and the fey creatures in the deeper wilds have caused the ranger to pick up a few tricks. The ranger begins to cast as a Level 1 Cleric at 7th level, following the class table's spell progression after that.

The ranger's divine repertoire is based on 3 spells per level. The GM is welcome to customize this for his or her campaign. Whether or not the ranger may cast arcane spells in armor is left to the GM, though it is recommended.

At 9th level, a Fellowship gathers around the ranger, drawn by tales told around campfires and tavern tables of his experiences and exploits. Some may be old friends or foes from previous adventures. A total of 2d12 followers join the ranger, as detailed by a class or campaign specific table, an example of which is given below. The GM should feel free to customize the table for his particular campaign and even for each particular ranger, depending on his or her campaign history.

These followers serve at no cost to the character, and are completely loyal (+4 to Morale). Fellowship members lost in combat cannot be replaced (but by magic, if possible).

The character may establish a hideout in a wilderness or borderlands area. This hideout serves as home and a base of operations for the fellowship. From here, the ranger may execute hijinks, as detailed in the ACKS Core Rulebook. (This hideout does not attract extra followers) The ranger may hire ruffians of a type necessary as per the usual rules for hideouts to perform these hijinks, if he himself or none of his followers or henchmen are capable.

The ranger may establish or claim a regular stronghold as per the normal rules, but, depending on circumstance, may have elected to adopt a secret identity for purposes of whom the public at large believes is the leader of the fellowship.

Ranger Proficiency List: Alertness, Ambushing, Arcane Dabbling, Blind Fighting, Climbing, Combat Trickery (disarm, incapacitate, knockdown), Eavesdropping, Endurance, Fighting Style, Healing, Land Surveying, Mapping, Mountaineering, Naturalism, Navigation, Passing Without Trace, Precise Shooting, Riding, Running, Skirmishing, Sniping, Survival, Swashbuckling, Trapping, Wakefulness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus

Lost Heir Template: This pre-generated template represents a lost scion of a presumed-dead royal line, defending a civilization that does not yet know him as king. The template is ready for adventure. However, if your ranger's INT is 13 or greater, you may pic one or more additional general proficiencies before play if you'd like (see Starting Proficincies in Chapter 4 of the ACKS Core Rulebook)

ACKS BUILD POINTS: Hit Dice 1, Fighting 2, Half-Value Spellcasting 1
TRADEOFFS: 1 Weapon Style, Armor: Unrestricted to Broad, Melee Damage Bonus, Turn Undead (from Half Value Spellcasting, worth 1/2)
HOUSE RULES USED: Toughness, Half Value Spellcasting, Stronghold Type: Fellowship

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