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Halloween at Tuesday Morning and Jo-Ann's

This is going to be a sort of quick blog post next to the one I was planning to write. I have a whole set of Renaissance Faire pics ready to go, but it takes a long time to go through those and choose what to share. So in the meantime, I thought it would make more sense to fit in a shorter Halloween shopping post.

I like his blingy teeth. I actually use that glitter ribbon on a lot of crafts.

So we're starting at Tuesday Morning. I'm assuming these stores are all around the U.S.? This location had some pretty good stuff. I think I'm mostly digging the Day of the Dead items this year, no matter what store we're talking.

These pumpkins seemed sort of Day of the Dead to me, I guess because of their coloring. They're like nothing I've seen before. I like them.

This towel might be my favorite Halloween item at Tuesday Morning:

I'm just noticing how heavy on the skeletons this trip to Tuesday Morning was! This seems to be a good skeleton year in all the stores I've been to, or maybe that's just what I'm focusing on. These next skeletons went with a kind of haunted carnival theme. They would probably look pretty cool paired with the fortune telling stuff at Michaels.

5¢ tickets sound like a good deal, no matter what they're for.

The next two seem like relics from a pirate ship:

I feel inspired to do something glamorous with a skull after seeing this one:

The few items that aren't skeleton related are these canisters with a "pickled" theme. I just now noticed that spiderweb design on the lids.

Oh, and they're "100% Pure Unprocessed" Good to know. 😄

How cool is this treat bowl?

Lastly, I ran across these metallic stickers. I'm not sure if they're the kind you sort of paint on or transfer or if they're just regular stickers. You can see a bit of the 3D ones in the next package. There's so much going on in that little coffin sticker. That would make a nice addition to a scrapbook page.

Now onto Jo-Ann's! This sign advertising their Halloween stuff may have been the best thing there.

I think this adorable cat is a dip or salsa container because its tail is one of those little spreading knives.

A witchy hand pick:

I like these pressed metal craft pieces. This skeleton is a pretty large one.

There were a few new skeleton animals at Jo-Ann's. This cute dog reminds me of Zero from Nightmare Before Christmas. There's something funny about a skeleton dog with a bone in his mouth!

And the skeleton bunny was new to me. He looks ready to spring here.

I love this next pic, because with this angle it looks like the bunny took his own selfie.

I'm amazed at how many different animal skeletons are out there. Each year, I think I've seen them all and then, surprise! Look at this little creeper:

I like the metallic finishes I'm seeing on some skeletons this year.

Unicorn skull!

And I really liked what I'm going to call these "chalkboard skeletons". Not that there is any chalkboard involved here, that's just what they remind me of. Kind of a chalkboard X-Ray.

This makes me laugh for whatever reason.

I guess you could place two of those eye pumpkins above the mouth pumpkin and make a face? I didn't see a nose pumpkin, although that would have been hilarious.

This is about the only Day of the Dead item I saw at Jo-Ann's. These pillows are pretty fun with the large pom-poms.

I like that ribbon with the full moon and bats. I think something interesting could be done with that really glittery one too. I'm not sure what. Maybe it could make a good addition to a costume.

That 'Welcome' sign with the bottles was one of my favorite items at Jo-Ann's. I feel inspired to recreate it in one way or another.

Doesn't this owl remind you of an old ad? Yes! I found it after a bit of searching. The Red Owl food store logo.

And I'm sharing a pic of these little bottles, because I think they'd be a fun addition to a little magic apothecary type display. You could fill any little bottle with glitter or sequins and get a cool result. I might just do that.

So there's that supposedly "quick" blog post! 😉 Turns out I had more photos than I remembered. Do you guys have a local Tuesday Morning, and if so did it have pretty much the same selection you saw here?

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